The Worst of the Worst
There’s a perverse sort of pleasure in a worst-of list, and if you’ve failed on Rotten Tomatoes, you’ve hit the big-time. The website aggregates critics around the country to give big-picture reviews of films. Our top 10 (bottom 10?) on this list are widely referred to around the web as “one of the worst movies ever made,” due to their infamy on Rotten Tomatoes. None of the 10 worst earned more than a 0 percent rating. Where are some legendary bombs? With a 3 percent rating, the John Travolta disaster “Battlefield: Earth” only ranks at No. 61. And when no movie in the bottom 50 earned more than a 7 percent average, the number of critics reviewing a film will push a film closer to the dreaded title of Worst Movie Ever. (Looking for more bad films? Here are Tom Hanks’ Most Regrettable Movies.)