A Parenthood Paradigm Shift
As a single mom, I've spent the better part of the past decade relying mostly on myself to get by. They say no man is an island, but I've managed to function like something pretty close to one for quite some time, holding down multiple jobs at times, paying a sizeable mortgage, shuttling my son to different activities each day, and completing myriad other tasks to keep my little family afloat.
During all of that time, however, society was still fully functioning so I could at least rely on the basics that kept my single-mom world humming along peacefully enough — my son going to school each day so that I could work, being able to go to the gym to exercise regularly, and socializing with friends now and then.
Like millions of other Americans, my life has been profoundly upended by the coronavirus pandemic in a matter of mere days. Social distancing, the crash of the economy, and the shuttering of everything from gyms to schools and hair salons has been surreal at best. And while the past few weeks have been challenging, unnerving, and downright scary at times, they've also been eye-opening and remarkable. I've found myself marveling at the ways, big and small, that my life as a homebound single mom has changed.
Related: 25 Things to Buy at Costco and Sam's for Emergencies (Besides Toilet Paper)