12 Ways to Work Out at Home and Stay Motivated

How to Work Out at Home


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How to Work Out at Home

Sculpt a New You

Many consumers chase the goals of losing weight and getting fit by joining a gym, at an average cost of about $700 a year. And while about two out of three don't use their memberships even in the best of times, according to data compiled by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, these days we all know there are times it is simply impossible to go to the gym, which makes the expense cost all the more. Others spring for a thousand-dollar treadmill or weight machine that ends up sitting idle. There are ways to get fit and stay motivated for much less, though. Try these approaches for working out at home.

Make a Plan

Make a Plan

Creating a clear plan with milestones for the year is essential to success. Focus on small, actionable goals, such as working out three times a week, rather than dwelling on the big picture, such as losing 25 pounds. Check in with the plan periodically to keep from straying too far off course. 

Find a Good Fit
Tero Vesalainen/istockphoto

Find a Good Fit

There are many types of workouts and fitness programs that cost little or nothing. Different people have success with different approaches, and it may be fun to try out a variety of programs, apps, and tracking systems. If one doesn't feel right, switch to something else rather than give up on a goal.

Follow Along

Follow Along

After choosing a type of training to start, a YouTube video — or even a workout DVD from the library — can set the pace for free. Plenty of at-home fitness programs require no equipment, or just a few inexpensive items such as dumbbells or elastic bands for resistance training and a jump rope for cardio. Such items can even be bought secondhand.

Pose on Demand

Pose on Demand

Some quick online searching can lead to abundant free videos with step-by-step instructions for doing yoga. Free apps let users combine poses to create a complete workout in addition to choosing a predesigned sequence. Many apps, such as Down Dog and Daily Yoga, offer premium subscription services or unlock a suite of advanced features for $5 to $10 a month, less than the cost of an in-studio class. 

Join an Online Community

Join an Online Community

Outside support is an important part of keeping a workout plan on track. Teaming up with others can boost motivation, and friendly competition can help push everyone along. Online communities such as Bodyspace, NerdFitness, and Reddit's r/Fitness are filled with thousands of fitness fanatics and amateurs willing to share advice and support.

Exercise Fast and Furiously

Exercise Fast and Furiously

Short on time? The New York Times offers a free mobile app that combines two seven-minute workout routines designed to target the whole body. Another free option, Max Capacity Training, is user-friendly and suited to people who lack workout equipment. The fitness program involves exercising 16 minutes a day, three days a week, for 12 weeks, and combines high-intensity interval training with progressively challenging body-weight exercises.

Turn Exercise Into a Game

Turn Exercise into a Game

One popular downloadable fitness game is Zombies, Run!, which boasts more than 1 million participants and 200 missions. This app turns a run into a survival adventure as players collect supplies to build a town, dodge zombies, and explore the story with each mile. Music lovers can tune up with RockMyRun, which serves up music with tempos based on a runner's heart rate or steps per minute.

Prepare the Night Before

Prepare the Night Before

Consider all the willpower it takes to wake up, get dressed, and go for a run (especially when it's wet or cold out), or squeeze in an at-home workout before the morning rush. Eliminate some of the decision-making and stress by preparing the night before. Set out or sleep in gym attire, pack a lunch, and do whatever else is possible to keep a lack of time from leading to a missed morning workout.

Join an Employee Wellness Program

Join an Employee Wellness Program

Many employers provide incentives for healthy behavior such as exercise or participation in a smoking cessation program. The reward might be reduced insurance premiums, contributions to health savings accounts, discounts, or cash. In 2019, companies spent an average $3.6 million on wellness programs, according to a survey by United Healthcare, and that number has been trending upward.

The Scale Doesn't Matter

Weigh a Wager

Although some people exercise solely for fitness, the promise of weight loss is often a big incentive. With DietBet, users lay a wager on whether they can lose 4% of their weight in four weeks or 10% in six months. After the period ends, those who hit the mark get to split the pot left over from those who didn't meet the goal.

Try Online Training Plans

Try Online Training Plans

For one-on-one support and advice, a personal trainer is hard to beat — but pricey. To keep costs down, opt for an online program that personalizes the experience, such as Daily Burn ($20 a month).

Make It a Routine

Make It a Routine

Rather than try to find time to work out between the items on your to-do list, make exercise a priority. Soon, the workout will become a routine that other tasks get scheduled around and a habit that's difficult to break.