FG Trade/istockphoto

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FG Trade/istockphoto

Up Against the Wallet

In addition to the health consequences and death it's caused, COVID-19 has triggered financial devastation, with nearly 13 million people still unemployed. In addition, 69% of Americans say it would be "somewhat difficult" or "very difficult" to meet financial obligations if their paycheck was delayed just a week, according to a WalletHub study. With Congress still unable to agree on a new relief package, WalletHub looked at some of the biggest U.S. cities to compare such things as bankruptcy filings between June and a year earlier; average credit scores of residents; and how many people had accounts in forbearance or with payments deferred, coming up with rankings of where urban residents are holding their own or struggling to stay afloat. Here are the 25 big cities where people are the worst-off, leading up to the most financially distressed of them all.

Related: 16 Ways to Simplify Your Finances During a Time of Economic Turmoil

Nisian Hughes/Getty Images

23. Mesa, Arizona

Average credit score: 662 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 38.14%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 6.12%


22. Detroit

Average credit score: 639 (poor) 
Accounts in distress: 42.47%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 9.61%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

21. Atlanta

Average credit score: 679 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 46.97%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 15.03%

Orhan Cam/shutterstock

19. Philadelphia

Average credit score: 642 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 37.74%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 20.45%


18. Indianapolis

Average credit score: 638 (poor)
Accounts in distress: 35.92%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 13.47%


17. Laredo, Texas

Average credit score: 656 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 51.39%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 9.95%


16. Cleveland

Average credit score: 668 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 34.9%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 11.5%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

15. Orlando, Florida

Average credit score: 691 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 63.69%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 6.27%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

14. Jacksonville, Florida

Average credit score: 687 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 60.46%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 13.29%


13. San Diego

Average credit score: 707 (good)
Accounts in distress: 52.68%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 6.11%


12. New York

Average credit score: 727 (good)
Accounts in distress: 42.73%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 19.02%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

11. Memphis, Tennessee

Average credit score: 629 (poor)
Accounts in distress: 48.18%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 18.74%


10. Fort Worth, Texas

Average credit score: 649 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 42.69%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 7.78%


9. Miami

Average credit score: 726 (good)
Accounts in distress: 58.6%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 9.2%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

8. Austin, Texas

Average credit score: 698 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 54.65%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 5.35%


7. Los Angeles

Average credit score: 670 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 47.33%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 10.61%

Mark Skalny/shutterstock

6. Phoenix

Average credit score: 647 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 34.17%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 6.12%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

5. Dallas

Average credit score: 661 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 41.79%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 8.45%

Sean Pavone/shutterstock

4. San Antonio

Average credit score: 637 (poor) 
Accounts in distress: 48.83%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 15.27%

Sean Pavone/istockphoto

3. Houston

Average credit score: 649 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 56.77%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 17.96%

Rudy Balasko/shutterstock

2. Chicago

Average credit score: 646 (fair)
Accounts in distress: 38.9%
Change in bankruptcy filings: Down 13.46%
