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Savings Stronger by the Week

If you're looking for ways to slash spending, even small adjustments can add up. Cutting back and saving can be surprisingly simple, and with this compilation of easy-to-incorporate tips, there's a way to save every single day of the month, which becomes even more important amid ongoing inflation and as talk of a recession grows louder. What do you do to save? Share your tips in the comments.

Related: How to Create a Monthly Budget


Think Before You Drink

It is all too easy to buy bottled water or order a drink with a takeout meal. This adds up to no small cost over time. Consumers spend about 800 times more for bottled water than plain old tap water. The average worker also shells out more than $1,000 annually on coffee, according to a survey by the staffing firm Accounting Principals. Start filling up on tap water in a go-anywhere bottle and making coffee at home.

Related: I'm a Coffee Snob. This Cheap Coffee Is the Best, IMHO


Keep the Thermostat in Check

Every degree you lower a programmable thermostat for at least eight hours a day can shave 10% off heating costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Keep the temperature at a maximum of 68 and bundle up in a sweater or drape an extra blanket on the bed if necessary. In warmer weather, cut the AC and use fans to create a cross breeze. Leave windows open at night, when it's cooler.

Related: Best Smart and Programmable Thermostats

Stígur Már Karlsson /Heimsmyndir/istockphoto

Cancel the Gym

Consider canceling that gym membership. On average they cost $58 a month, yet 67% of Americans never use theirs, according to data compiled by Statistic Brain. Instead, explore cheap home fitness ideas and take advantage of activities such as walking and running (all you pay is the price of shoes). Situps and pushups in the living room also don't cost a thing.


Use Cash-Back Programs

Make money every time you make an online purchase with cash-back programs. Shoppers can get up to 8% back, which is basically free money in the pocket if the item was a necessary purchase anyway.


Use the Library

Check out the library to see what it offers, which could include pickup and streaming video services. Curious? There are amazing libraries in every state.


Use Deal Sites

Groupon, Woot, LivingSocial — the list of sites that offer discounts on services and goods is long. Deal sites take away the need to spend full price to try something new, and often feature deals on popular or well-known items and places.


Get Pretty for a Penny

Save big bucks by beautifying on a budget with items already in the home. Cheapism suggests DIY beauty ideas such as using sugar, baking soda, and olive oil for various beauty treatments.

Alexey Rotanov/shutterstock

Turn Off the Lights

Turn off the lights when leaving a room or going out for the day and save money over time. Electricity costs average about 13 cents per kilowatt-hour, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Think in terms of hours of use day after day, and this adds up to significant wasted cash.

Related: Energy-Saving Products You Need in Your Home


Turn Off the Faucet

Grandpa was right: It pays to turn off the water when brushing teeth or washing dishes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, just turning off the tap while brushing saves up to 8 gallons of water a day, or more than 200 gallons a month. Do this every day of every month and see a dip in the water bill.


Swap Instead of Buy

Head to social media and create a group for friends so you can make swaps online, then execute them in real life. This is the cheapest way to get new stuff and get rid of old stuff. There are several options for those looking to broaden their selection.

Adene Sanchez/istockphoto

Find Free Virtual Activities

There are many ways to enjoy "live" events. Some plays (such as "Hamilton") have filmed versions online, and some movies that would once debut only in theaters now stream simultaneously online for less than the cost of travel, movie tickets, and popcorn. The big-screen holdouts are still quicker to come to streaming devices then they were, for those who don't need to see them immediately.

Related: A Virtual Weekend Vacation in London


Share to Save

In this so-called sharing economy, it's possible for two or more people to go in together on passwords and memberships and share everything from tools to lessons to dog-sitting or baby-sitting services.


Cut Back on Prepackaged Goods

Convenience in dining comes at a cost that's usually much higher than making the same item at home. For instance, it's surprisingly simple to concoc granola, salad dressing, and chicken stock at home. Spending on precut produce, which is always marked up, is another waste of money. Instead, spend some time every Sunday afternoon prepping veggies and fruits for the week.


Stop Paying for Others to Do It for You

Yardwork, pest control, even simple car maintenance — with a little extra effort, these can often be done for less than it costs to pay somebody else to do the work. Yes, time is money, but if money is tight, carve out hours during the week to take care of tasks typically turned over to professionals.


Stock Up on Staples

Buying pantry staples in bulk can save money in the long run — but be choosy about what to stock up on. Cheapism recommends items such as canned foods, baking supplies, and grains and legumes among the best bulk foods to buy.

Related: How Non-Members Can Shop at Costco


Know What to Buy at the Dollar Store

A whole host of items are even cheaper at the dollar store. Yes, the stores may not be packed with the highest-quality merchandise, but if you know what to buy at the dollar store, it's worth stocking up every now and then.


Cook Seasonally

Eating the foods of the season is less expensive than buying imported produce, and shoppers can find plenty of local fare during summer. Summer recipes featuring tomatoes, zucchini, and berries are budget- and taste-bud friendly.

Kostiantyn Ablazov/shutterstock

Winter-Proof Fruits and Veggies

Freezing fruits and vegetables when they're in season saves money compared with the expensive selection of produce available in winter months, and lets your family enjoy local foods longer. Everything from berries to peppers can be frozen with the right process.


Save at the Veterinarian

Bills for Fido and Fluffy can add up fast. Giving a pet the right food, enough exercise, and preventive treatments is just the start of saving money on pet health.


Be Smarter About Grocery Shopping

Shopping smart means being aware that it is all too easy to get sidelined at the grocery store by eye-catching packaging and premade snacks. Shop on a full stomach and tempting treats will be less likely to make their way into the cart. Always shop with a grocery list — and stick to it.

Nattakorn Maneerat/istockphoto

Track Prices

Keep an eye on the price of items you need with tracking tools such as CamelCamelCamel. They monitor price swings and send alerts when a price changes on Amazon and other ecommerce sites.


Stop Buying New Toys

Children don't need all the latest toys, and a home doesn't need all the extra clutter. That doesn't mean depriving kids of fun: To save money on toys, buy used, swap with other parents, and even try renting toys that can be returned when kids lose interest.