The Learning Curve
You're in a Zoom meeting when your child comes and says, "Mommy, the computer's broken ("See that little battery picture? It's at zero."). Or you're crunching numbers when your daughter, who you're pretty sure is supposed to be in algebra, asks where the milk is ("See that big box plugged into the wall?"). The new apps are coming fast and furious, they're all for the kids, and 6-year-olds aren't great at remembering how to find their assignments in Google Classroom.
The stories on parent stress while kids are learning at home have been frequent. And even parents who aren't working remotely (by choice or by layoff) find themselves worried: Is my child falling behind? How am I supposed to help three kids learn simultaneously? What do these teachers want from me?
I'm a teacher, and I can tell you what I and most of my colleagues want: To ease the pain on you and your family.