If your financial situation has become untenable and you're contemplating bankruptcy, here's a good barometer to help decide whether it's a logical move for you, says Ethan Taub, CEO of the websites Creditry and also Billry. "There are three points to consider when thinking about whether bankruptcy might be the right thing for you: when you can't see any way to pay your debts, you don't believe your situation will get any better soon, and you don't have any valuable items or own your own home that you could sell first," explains Taub, who suggests that if you have assets to your name, try selling those before filing for bankruptcy to help clear up your situation. "Bankruptcy is a serious thing, some items can be bought back, but bankruptcy can last a really long time. You also have to think about your profession, some careers that have a membership may not be able to work with you if you file for bankruptcy, so check on this too," says Taub.