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The response across the United States to coronavirus containment has been varied, to say the least. New York and California led the way early on with strict lockdowns, business closings, and mask requirements, and other states followed gradually. As the situation has evolved, all states have at least partially reopened, a WalletHub study finds, but the country is still not back to business as usual — and many states have put a hard pause on easing restrictions further until there's more progress against fighting COVID-19. Here's how the states rank across 17 metrics of  coronavirus restrictions such as mask requirements, bans on large gatherings, and reopening of schools, bars, and restaurants with service limits such as outdoor seating only or reduced capacity. States are listed from most restrictive to least restrictive.

Related: Are People in Your State Staying Home?

Naomi Rahim/Getty Images

51. Hawaii (Most Restrictive)

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to five
School restart: State-ordered regional closing in effect
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: New service limits imposed

Related: 15 Ways the Coronavirus Has Changed Americans' Daily Lives

Mario Tama/Staff/Getty Images News/Getty Images North America

50. California (2nd-Most Restrictive)

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned (all gatherings)
School restart: State-ordered regional closing in effect
Restaurants: Closed except for takeout/delivery or newly closed to dine-in service
Bars: Closed

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Sky Noir Photography by Bill Dickinson/Getty Images
Chiara Salvadori/Getty Images

48. Massachusetts

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: Closed

Related: 41 Things to Do to Before Lockdown Ends

Digital-dave/Getty Images

47. Arizona

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: Closed

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Peter Unger/Getty Images

46. Maine

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

Brad McGinley Photography/Getty Images
EyeWolf/Getty Images

44. Oregon

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to 10 indoors
School restart: State-ordered regional closing in effect
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: New service limits imposed

Ken Redding/Getty Images
Dong Wenjie/Getty Images

42. New Jersey

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

Photo by Laura Kalcheff/Getty Images

41. District of Columbia

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: State-ordered regional closing in effect
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

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Murat Taner/Getty Images

40. Connecticut

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

vermontalm/Getty Images
Dan Reynolds Photography/Getty Images

38. North Carolina

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Hybrid or remote instruction only
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

by Jonathan D. Goforth/Getty Images

37. Kentucky

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for 10 or fewer
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: New service limits imposed

Related: How Unhealthy Was Your State When the Coronavirus Hit?

oksanaphoto/Getty Images

35. Washington (tie)

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to five
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: Closed

JannHuizenga/Getty Images
RoschetzkyIstockPhoto/Getty Images

34. Texas

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to 10
School restart: State-ordered in-person instruction, part-time or full-time
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

Photo by Roberto Saltori/Getty Images
Walter Bibikow/Getty Images

32. Rhode Island

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: New service limits imposed

mdgmorris/Getty Images
Bradley Olson / EyeEm/Getty Images

30. Minnesota

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to five
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Walter Bibikow/Getty Images

29. New Hampshire

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Jordan Siemens/Getty Images

28. Montana

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Ali Majdfar/Getty Images

27. West Virginia

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: State-ordered regional closing in effect
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Ayman Haykal/Getty Images
Atlantide Phototravel/Getty Images

25. Maryland

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Jim McKinley/Getty Images

24. Florida

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: State-ordered in-person instruction, part-time or full-time
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

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Photo by Scott Dunn/Getty Images

23. Indiana

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Alan Pierce / EyeEm/Getty Images

22. Louisiana

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Closed

Photo by Mike Kline (notkalvin)/Getty Images

21. Tennessee

Mask in public: City and town officials set policy
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Jorge Villalba/Getty Images

20. Illinois

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Walter Bibikow/Getty Images

19. Kansas

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images

18. Mississippi

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Banned; gatherings allowed for up to five
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: New service limits imposed

Photo by Mike Kline (notkalvin)/Getty Images

17. Ohio

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: Limited to 25 or fewer participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: New service limits imposed

Ethan Miller/Staff/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images North America
John Coletti/Getty Images

15. South Carolina

Mask in public: City and town officials set policy
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Limited dine-in or other service limits
Bars: New service limits imposed

George Dodd / EyeEm/Getty Images

14. Alabama

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Blue Poppy/Getty Images

13. Alaska

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened Images

12. Missouri

Mask in public: No action
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Anna Gorin/Getty Images

11. Idaho

Mask in public: No action
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Dan Reynolds Photography/Getty Images

10. Georgia

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

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Inti St Clair/Getty Images

9. Nebraska

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Walter Bibikow/Getty Images

8. Wisconsin

Mask in public: Required
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

John Elk III/Getty Images

7. North Dakota

Mask in public: No action
Large gatherings: Never banned
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened Images
John Elk/Getty Images

5. Wyoming

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Monte Goodyk/Getty Images

4. Iowa

Mask in public: City and town officials set policy
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: State-ordered in-person instruction, part-time or full-time
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

John Elk/Getty Images

3. Oklahoma

Mask in public: No action
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Reopened for limited dine-in
Bars: Fully reopened

Mike Kemp/Getty Images

2. Utah

Mask in public: Required for certain employees
Large gatherings: Limit expanded to more than 25 participants
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Fully reopened
Bars: Fully reopened

Blaine Harrington III/Getty Images

1. South Dakota (Least Restrictive)

Mask in public: No action
Large gatherings: All restrictions lifted
School restart: Varies by school/district
Restaurants: Never closed
Bars: Fully reopened