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A Guide on Where to Give

In just a few weeks, the new coronavirus has gone from an occasional news story to a pandemic threatening lives and livelihoods across the country. More than ever, nonprofits, health organizations and other reputable groups need donations to wage war against COVID-19. If you're looking for a trustworthy place to donate during this ongoing crisis, we've pulled together some of the most prominent options in all 50 states. Want to help on a global scale? Consider giving to the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

Related: Is Your State Doing Enough to Combat the Coronavirus?

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The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama seeks donations of various essential items including food and soap, gift cards, and money to support families during the COVID-19 pandemic. The United Way of Central Alabama is also accepting donations for its Community Crisis Fund to aid those most in need during the pandemic.



The AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund helps buy protective equipment for health workers, funds nonprofits for vulnerable citizens including food banks and homeless shelters, and provides low-income students with distance-learning technology.

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The Arkansas Community Foundation's Arkansas COVID-19 Relief Fund will first provide grants to nonprofits helping support vulnerable citizens, then will pivot to supporting "economic needs of Arkansans" as well as health, food, and school systems.

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California Volunteers is collecting donations for Philanthropy California to give to nonprofits, shelters, and food banks. It's also connecting volunteers to food banks, Meals on Wheels, and the Red Cross.



The state's Help Colorado Now website is accepting volunteers who can help deliver food, medication, and other crucial supplies to those living alone; matching health-care workers with health facilities in need of more help; and accepting donations for the Colorado COVID Relief Fund.



The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is hosting a COVID-19 Response Fund to support organizations helping residents "disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak." Hartford HealthCare has also begun a COVID-19 Fund "to maintain and replenish valuable supplies" for health-care workers, patients, and the community.

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The Delaware COVID-19 Emergency Response Initiative is connecting volunteers with organizations including Meals on Wheels and the Delaware Humane Association. It is also soliciting donations for the COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund and the United Way's COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund, both of which will aid vulnerable groups during the crisis.

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The Florida Veterans Foundation is spearheading a COVID-19 Emergency Response Effortfor the state's veterans, active duty military, and immediate family members who are experiencing financial hardship related to the pandemic. The Broward Health Foundation is also accepting donations to purchase protective equipment for health workers.

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The Hawaii Resilience Fund from the Hawaii Community Foundation will aid health-care workers, expand COVID-19 test sites and screenings, promote food distribution for at-risk individuals, and fund grants for organizations working with vulnerable citizens.

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The governor's office, United Way of Illinois, and Alliance of Community Foundations have established the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund. Donations will be used to help fund organizations that connect residents with food, supplies, housing, health care, and other crucial services.

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Established by several groups including the Lilly Endowment and United Way of Central Indiana, the Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund will support agencies helping meet the needs of vulnerable populations during the pandemic. Grants will help support child-care services for health workers and first responders, homeless shelters, food pantries, disaster planning, and other basic needs.

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The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines has activated its Disaster Recovery Fund to support the economic and health needs of those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Another option is the Southwest Iowa COVID-19 Response, which will give to nonprofits "who are on the front line" during the pandemic.

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The United Way of the Plains has set up a pandemic fund to help vulnerable populations, including the elderly. Harvesters Community Food Network also seeks donations to continue feeding Kansans in need during the pandemic.

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Justin Sullivan / Staff / Getty Images News / Getty Images North America / Getty Images CC


The Maine Community Foundation has created a COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to support homeless shelters, food pantries, senior-focused agencies, and other groups "responding to hardships caused by COVID-19" across the state.

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Johns Hopkins Medicine is seeking donations to back its work in the fight against COVID-19. Money will aid research efforts into tests, treatments, and an eventual vaccine. The Maryland Food Bank also seeks donations and volunteers as it distributes food during the crisis.

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The Boston Foundation's COVID-19 Response Fund will provide operating grants for nonprofits that work with "seniors, children, immigrants, workers, and other vulnerable populations" during the pandemic. The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts has established the COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley for the same purpose.

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The University of Mississippi Medical Center is accepting donations of medical equipment and money to support its fight against COVID-19. Feeding The Gulf Coast, which serves south Mississippi, is also in need of support as the pandemic raises demand for food services.

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The St. Louis Community Foundation is offering two options for those who want to help amid the coronavirus pandemic: The COVID-19 Regional Response Fund, which will aid nonprofits helping affected populations including "children, the elderly, and isolated." The Gateway Resilience Fund will help meet the financial needs of small businesses and their employees.



The Montana Community Foundation and Montana Nonprofit Association's Montana COVID-19 Fund will "provide safety-net funding for Montana's rural and tribal communities" during the pandemic. Another option is the Southwest Montana COVID-19 Response Fund, established by the Greater Gallatin United Way and Bozeman Area Community Foundation.

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The Omaha Community Foundation is leading a coalition of groups in establishing a COVID-19 Response Fund to aid nonprofits that work with "communities that are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of this outbreak." Food Bank for the Heartland is also seeking donations as the pandemic taxes its resources.


New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Food Bank is soliciting donations as COVID-19 touches off increased demand at food pantries and other agencies that feed vulnerable citizens. Another option is the New Hampshire Hospitality Employee Relief Fund, which will aid hotel, restaurant, and other hospitality workers who have lost income because of the pandemic.

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New Jersey

The Community Foundation of New Jersey has established the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund to help organizations that are aiding in the fight against "the medical, social, and economic impact of COVID-19" on New Jersey's most vulnerable citizens. The Community Food Bank of New Jersey is also accepting donations to meet increased demand for food assistance.

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New Mexico

The All Together NM Fund will help buy food, medical, and cleaning supplies for at-risk communities; support child-care workers working to provide care for essential employees' families; provide grants for small businesses and their employees; and support coronavirus recovery efforts.

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New York

The NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund will provide grants and loans to nonprofits working to provide food, health care, and cultural services during the pandemic. Money will help relieve financial losses as well as help buy protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and other essentials. Upstate, the Rochester Regional Health System needs donations for its COVID-19 Support Fund to support health-care workers, buy supplies, and fulfill other crucial needs.

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North Dakota

The North Dakota Community Foundation's COVID-19 Disaster Response & Recovery Fund will "assist nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic." Individuals are also encouraged to donate directly to nonprofits of their choice.

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The Cleveland Clinic has started a COVID-19 Response Fund that will both support health-care workers and support research on the virus. It is also seeking blood donors, medical supplies, and homemade masks for community use. The United Way of Central Ohio has also established a COVID-19 Community Response Fund to support nonprofits providing access to food, housing, and other critical services.



The United Way of Central Oklahoma has established a COVID-19 Response Fund to support individuals who have lost their jobs and income or incurred unexpected expenses stemming from the pandemic. Another option is the Tulsa Community Foundation's Tulsa Area COVID-19 Response Fund, which will support nonprofits assisting workers and families in need.

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The Oregon Community Foundation's Oregon Community Recovery Fund will provide support for organizations that help vulnerable citizens with food, housing, employment, childcare, social and emotional health, and school closures. Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon also seeks donations to help feed residents in need, including kids who depend on school lunches during school closures.

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Pennsylvania-based Geisinger Health System is accepting donations to help battle COVID-19. Money will go toward funding COVID-19 testing throughout the state, as well as supporting the physicians, nurses, and staffers who are on the front lines of the crisis. Regional funds such as the PHL COVID-19 Fund are also seeking donations to support local nonprofits helping those who need it most.


Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Foundation and United Way of Rhode Island are collecting donations for the COVID-19 Response Fund to "deploy financial resources to nonprofit organizations that are assisting vulnerable populations" around the state including those addressing social, health, and economic effects of the virus.

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South Carolina

A partnership between the SC Grantmakers Network, Together SC, and the United Way Association of SC, the One SC Fund: COVID-19 Response will help nonprofits that can "address gaps in the response efforts, including support for communities that lack resources or an organized philanthropic response."

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South Dakota

The South Dakota Community Foundation's Coronavirus Response Fund will aid nonprofits and community organizations that help provide access to food, childcare, health care, and other needed services.

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The Communities Foundation of Texas has established the North Texas Community Response Fund to back nonprofits that work with people who lack sufficient access to food, health care, and housing, as well as those that support seniors, the homeless, and other vulnerable populations. Another option from the same organization is the Get Shift Done Fund, which will help support hard-hit hospitality workers with food relief and workforce development efforts.

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Tech- and startup-focused nonprofit Silicon Slopes has established the COVID-19 Community Response Fund to collect donations that will go toward test kits, medical supplies, and public health and education efforts statewide. Residents can find additional opportunities to give and volunteer on Utah's coronavirus website.

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The Vermont Community Foundation's VT COVID-19 Response Fund will "provide flexible resources to nonprofits working to address the most immediate public health and economic impacts of the disease," primarily supporting organizations that aid the state's most vulnerable populations.

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University of Wisconsin Health is seeking donations for the UW Health COVID-19 Response Fund. Donations will aid patients with financial hardships; buy food, emergency equipment and other supplies for health workers; and support coronavirus research efforts. Donations to support local nonprofits can also be made to the COVID-19 Urgent Needs Fund, established by the United Way of Greater Milwaukee.
