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Maybe Costco was having a great sale on steaks and you wanted to stock up — only to realize you didn't have room for anything bigger than a burger patty in your freezer. Chances are you're not making the best use of your freezer space, and it only takes one missed opportunity to get motivated to make a change. 

If after you've tossed out the freezer-burned veggies and mystery meats, and removed useless packaging (pro-tip: cut out the directions and put them in a freezer bag with the food), you still don't have enough spare room, it's time to consider a clever technique to make your freezer space shockingly more efficient: freeze it flat. 

Read on to find out how and why.

Related: 23 Prepared Meals at Costco to Feed Your Family

When it's time to tuck a new item into the freezer, give it a look over — and if it's a sauce, chopped fruits or vegetables, patties, waffles, or anything that comes in bulky packaging or a stack, consider rearranging the items and freezing them flat in a large freezer bag. While it may seem strange, once frozen those flat packages are much easier to stack and arrange in your freezer, making better use of the angles and square space than blob-shaped bags or round containers do. 

If you do "go flat" remember to write what's inside on the freezer bag, as it might be hard to tell once it's frozen. If you're stocking up on foods that don't work for flattening, such as lobster tails or some desserts, consider using stackable containers or add additional shelving to your freezer so you can make the best use of the entire space. 

Still not enough? Ask yourself if the bin of ice cubes under the ice maker is something to take out of your freezer entirely during cool weather months (just keep it on hand for summer). And if that's not enough? Honestly, it may be time to invest in a chest freezer if you've got room for one.