By mid-August, roughly 170,000 Americans died from the coronavirus. According to the CDC, about 80% of them were seniors. Trump has downplayed the seriousness of the virus from the outset, impeded and ignored his own medical experts, promoted unproven and dangerous experimental treatments, failed to implement a national strategy for testing and contact tracing, tasked unqualified and inexperienced family members to lead crisis-response efforts, sent mixed signals on basic protective measures like wearing masks and practicing social distancing, made repeated false statements about things like transmission rates and the availability of tests, and used press conferences as self-congratulatory quasi-campaign events as the United States became ground zero in the global COVID-19 crisis.
Joe Biden has outlined a comprehensive virus-response strategy on his website. It's true that ideas like the kind that he's promoting are easy to write down and difficult to implement, but at a minimum, his plan represents a cohesive leadership strategy.
Related: 12 Retirement Dreams That Are Threatened by COVID-19