Dining Out
Sure, the humble "pic-a-nic" basket is famous as a lure for Yogi Bear and his little buddy Boo-Boo. But 2020 created a genuine opportunity for picnics to shine: They're the perfect blend of opportunities to connect with nature while sharing good food in great company, or letting the whole family run off the silliness that tends to build up if you spend too much time inside.
Here are our favorite places to enjoy a picnic lunch in every state. We've made it a point to journey off the beaten path when possible, skipping past the most likely suspects to highlight slightly lesser-known gems. A few of these picnic sites require a short walk to reach them, but most are easily accessed from the road — and all of them highlight the enormous range of natural beauty you'll find all over this country.
Related: The Best Picnic Blankets for Enjoying the Backyard or the Beach