The Pym Test Kitchen aimed to have fun with the shrinking and enlarging theme of the Ant-Man films. Toast is oversized or small, same with waffles, same with the chicken in a chicken sandwich. While all of it was Instagram-worthy, eating it seemed almost beside the point. It looked impressive but, at its heart, it was just breakfast foods, pretzels, meatballs, and sandwiches with a gimmick. That $100 sandwich? It’s just big enough to feed up to eight people, but it’s basically a pretty standard panini with ham, salami, and Provolone cheese. A Coors Light was also just under $9 and, while some of the alcoholic beverages sounded interesting (the Molecular Meltdown had marshmallow milk stout and vanilla ice cream), most choices sounded very, very sweet. Not surprisingly, the purple Terran Treats looked great (bright purple!) and tasted … meh.
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